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Showing posts from January, 2018

Floral Jacket from Romwe Review

Hi everyone!  Hope your week went well and, phew, finally, weekend is tomorrow ! I was so busy this week, meeting friends, enjoying holidays and...I started going to gym with my best friend ! My whole body hurts so much, it's hard to walk haha ! But I hope to get in better shape and get healthier! I'll be reviewing Floral Jacket from Romwe , an amazing online store that I've been working with for a long time back! Photo from website: My photos: Color: The colors look exactly as on the website, for which I'm very happy ^.^ It means the website provides very accurate photos of the items!  Material: The material feels a little cheap. I don't entirely like how it feels as well. It's more like a plastic-bag material than actual nice one. It look pretty okay, both in photos and real life. But I don't like the material overall. Style: Recently I got into floral prints and I really like this jacket! It l

Black Sweatpants from Romwe Review

Hey everyone ! Hope your week started nicely!  I've been super lazy today, just watched anime the whole day and then did some posts on Tumblr, so decided to make a review for new items I got from my partner store- Romwe ! I got a delivery this morning with 2 new clothes and I'm excited to share them with you!  I'll be reviewing these sweatpants!  Photo from website: My photos: Color: The pants look exactly as on the website, but I guess it would be pretty hard to mess the black color haha ! They are whole black with small white icon in front. Material: I can't really decide if I like the material or not. It's comfortable and stretchy but it is very obvious that it's going to rip soon: there was already a hole on the side of left bottom leg😭And it looks like material that collects dusts a lot :C Style: I really like casual/sporty style of these pants. To be fair, I wanted them to go to work with and s

Floral Pants from SheIn Review

Good day, cuties!  Hope your day is going great and you're all enjoying the weekend!  As for me, I'm pretty busy, working a lot in my part-time and trying to have a well deserved holiday after very intense semester in between work. So I found some time today, before going to work, to write the last review from my latest package for a great partner store- SheIn ! For those, who are not aware of this store, I really REALLY recommend checking out their clothes! They are very lovely and have low prices πŸ’— I'll be reviewing pants that can be found here !  Photo from website: My photos: Color: All the colors look exactly as on the website. It's not the first time that clothes came in looking 100% like online, which is absolutely great! I had bad experience with receiving almost completely different looking clothes so accuracy on website is a huge thing for me! Material: I can't say I'm a big fan of the material th

Long Sleeve Shirt from SheIn Review

Happy New Year, everyone ! Welcome, 2018 ! Please be kind to us and bring us many amazing memories πŸ‘πŸ™πŸŽŠ Hope you all had lovely start of a year! Me, as usual, didn't have the best one πŸ˜‚I got sick over Christmas break, had flight back to Denmark on the 1st of January at 10 am in the morning, also, had to take a connecting flight too so overall my travel took 5 hours when it was suppose to be 1.5 πŸ˜‚And I had my exam yesterday so I was studying before that. PHEW I finally have holidays ! I'll have to go to my part-time job but at least I don't have to go anywhere else, I'm so tired and the year just started aghhh ! Anyways, I'm here to bring you my newest review! Amazing online store SheIn had sent me 3 new items before Christmas but I was so busy and sick, I could only make one, so sorry about that 😭But I finally have time and I can't wait to catch up with reviews ! I'll be reviewing Long Sleeve Blouse that you can find here . Photo from websit