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Showing posts from 2018

Choker Tee from SheIn Review

Hello darlings ! Welcome back to my blog and I hope you enjoyed reading all the reviews so far ! It's been a lovely but busy start of summer for me, but I'm trying my best to keep up with Tumblr and reviews ! The weather is finally cooler, thank gosh. It's been two weeks of 25 C+ degrees and I've been dying πŸ˜“ Anyways, I have one more item to review from my latest package from SheIn so without further ado, let's jump straight to the review !  T-shirt that I'm going to be reviewing can be found here . Photo from website: My photos:    Now, first of all, I'd like to thank SheIn for having such amazing t-shirts ! My wardrobe is full of SheIn designs and I'm absolutely in love with every single one of them ! And I got to admit, I wore this shirt many times over the last few weeks, since I got it. It became one of my favorites πŸ’• Shipping was very nice and fast. I got the package in around 1.5 weeks or so and there wer

Current Favorite Beauty Products [Get To Know Me #1]

Hi, my lovely readers ! πŸ’— Summer is finally here and ... I'm finished with studies until August ! I have around 7 months left till I graduate university but I'll leave that topic for another time...maybe πŸ™Œ Anyways, I got random motivation flow to try something new! I realized that I have been rather private, when it comes to all my blogs. Well, maybe except Instagram ... I used to talk a lot about personal stuff there, but it was quite some time ago and on another accountπŸ˜‚But, yup, I decided to start writing "Get To Know Me" blog entries time to time! I won't be sharing any super personal information since I really value privacy and want to keep private things for myself, but I will be writing posts like this one - Current Favorite Beauty Products- and maybe some outfit/make-up/small trip stuff 😊Maybe even some posts about life in Denmark/Lithuania, if you all would like to know about it πŸ’•I would very much appreciate it if you would leave me a

Madonna T-shirt from SheIn Review

Hi everyone ! Happy official summer yay! The weather in Denmark has been extremely hot these past 2 weeks, people here are actually freaking out πŸ˜‚Just a side note: summers in Denmark are very rainy, last year we had only like 5 days without rain, so these tropical 27+ degrees (C) days are extremely rare and people are always at the beach. Anyways, I got a new package from my awesome partner store SheIn last week but I didn't have any time to write reviews due to my semester end report... My team have been working very hard + I have a part-time job, so yeah...However, I'm finally done with university and can enjoy summer holidays πŸ‘ For those who have exam sessions now- best of luck and do your best ! πŸ’— Here is a t-shirt I'll be reviewing today! Photo from the website: My photos: The first thing I have to mention is that Madonna was my actual idol when I was like 10 years old, along side Nelly Furtado and russian singers Dima Bilan πŸ˜‚I nev

Fluffy Sleeve Jacket from SheIn Review

Hi darlings <3 Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog ! Before I start this review for SheIn , I would like to say that I turned 21 yesterday ! I had a small birthday dinner with close friends and, in general, I had an amazing day ! Everyone were so nice to me and I had lots of fun πŸ’• I was preoccupied with university work and extra shifts in my part-time job, so I didn't have time to write any reviews. For that, I'm very sorry and I hope you all forgive me πŸ’— I already reviewed first item from latest package from SheIn , so here is the second one! A very lovely Jacket from SheIn ! Picture from the website: My photos: This jacket is honestly, truthfully AMAZING 😍 You all know I am a sucker for cute things, but this is way better than anything I ever got !  Let's start from the beginning. The shipping was very nice and easy, I didn't encounter any problems. My package arrived in ~ a week without any damages

Oversize Sweater from SheIn Review

Hello, Spring, and hello nice weather !!!  πŸ’• I hope all of you are doing well ! It's been a while since my last review mostly due to my super busy university and work schedule :c Also, my 21st birthday is in less than two weeks and I'm going to be a finally-100%- legit adult AND  I'm not ready at all πŸ˜‚ I started feeling too old for Tumblr recently after seeing all oh-I'm-only-14-and-already-so-sad posts by typical teenage users, which kind of reminded me that I've been on that website for years :x Anyways, I love Tumblr so I won't quit it, not any time soon anyways! I got a new package from one of my lovely affiliate stores- SheIn and I can't wait to share the reviews with all of you πŸ’— The package contained 2 items and I will be reviewing the first one- Cute Oversize Sweater -  today ! Picture from the website: My photos:     I absolutely adore over-sized clothes, not entirely sure where this obsession came from,

Bomber Jacket from SheIn Review

Hi everyone ! A new week, a new review ! This week started pretty rough, since university work has been crashing down on me for the last...ehmmm few months... But next week I have another exam and I'm stressing out like crazy :c However, to take a break from studying, I decided to write a review ! I still have 1 item left from my latest package from SheIn and I'm very excited to show it to you!  It's a lovely spring bomber jacket that you can buy here ! Photo from the website: My photos: I got to admit, my expectations for this jacket were pretty high since I have several amazing jackets from SheIn ! So I was really looking forward to the new package so I could try this cutie on!  It took around few weeks for the package to reach me. I haven't encountered any difficulties or random extra costs, which is awesome. Two items in the parcel were brand new, unopened and undamaged.  First impression of the jacket, that was stil